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Lockdown has presented most of us with a renewed appreciation of our local area. Our director, Matthew writes from Sussex.


For April Fools Day we explore absurd, imaginative and eccentric architecture.


This award recognises excellence in the conservation of faith buildings across the UK and Ireland. As we celebrate its 30th year, two previous judges look back on their highlights.


2019 Fellow Matthew Wilson looks back on six months of travel, craft and thought-provoking conversations.


Our archive contains a collection of magic lantern slides which are being catalogued by volunteers. We are rediscovering some wonderful images of ancient buildings and structures around Britain.


For Valentine’s Day we thought we’d explore buildings we love, or which inspire romance. SPAB development officer, Laura Calder, writes about the Thomas Morton Hall in Leith, where she got married.


Peter Jamieson, SPAB casework volunteer, writes about honesty in craft, and mass production.


Standing neglected in the centre of a complex of disused and decaying moats, this Grade II* building is an important example of an early brick manor farmhouse.


We visit the exhibition at the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow, London which shows another strand of Morris' influence on modern design.