More about the Maintenance Co-operatives, what the Toolkit is and how it can help you.

Maintenance Co-operatives Resources
We have put together a toolkit containing information and resources drawn from the Maintenance Co-operatives Project and Faith in Maintenance project to help you to set up your own Maintenance Co-operative and take care of your place of worship. They are here just as a guide, use our templates wholesale or pick and choose what you need and adapt it to your own needs.
If you need specific advice on dealing with the different concerns and challenges that maintaining buildings can pose then call our free and impartial technical advice line.
Use our sample risk assessment and the HSE website to help you assess your project.
You can download the Baseline Survey Template as a PDF or an editable spreadsheet version.
During the Maintenance Co-operatives Project we distributed 80 kit boxes, packed with everything you need to get a co-op going. The boxes were
Some handy hints and tips to help you survey your historic faith building.
You'll need to make a sketch of your building before surveying it. Here's a handy guide to show you how.
Baffled by building terminology? Here's a short guide to some of the more commonly used terms relevant to historic places of worship.
An example of a Maintenance Plan, print and use this, or use it as a guide to create your own.
This advice document may be of help in caring for your historic churchyard or burial ground.
One place to note down everything, from useful contacts to the location of the first aid kit.
Use this document as a template to structure your co-operative or volunteer group.
Use this to agree what you will be doing with each place of worship you intend to work at.
Other Resources
Our project was externally evaluated by Oakmere Solutions throughout its three year duration. You can download their report here.

Use this handy print out calendar to remind you of monthly maintenance tasks! It was produced as part of the Faith in Maintenance project.