Building Craftsperson of the Year Award Entry and Nomination Form

The Building Craftsperson Award, sponsored by Owlsworth IJP, recognises the best up-and-coming craftspeople working with traditional materials and old buildings. For more information on eligibility and criteria, check the Award page.

Please submit your entry by Wednesday 14 August using the form below. Please note that you won't be able to save a draft of this form, so it's best to write your statement elsewhere and then copy and paste it into this form once you're ready to submit. Any questions? Email

The judges may be in touch if they need more information to assist with the shortlisting process. 

Craftsperson's details

Please enter the details of the craftsperson you are nominating.

Please enter your details here.

Craftsperson's achievements
Supporting evidence

Please share a link to 3-6 high-resolution images of the craftsperson and their work. Please include images of both work in progress and finished works.

  • You can use Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or similar. 
  • Images should be in a JPG or PNG format and a minimum of 300dpi. 
  • You must only submit images you have the photographer’s permission to use, and you must include a credit and description in the file name e.g. ‘Gutters © William Morris’. 

You can also submit a video of the craftsperson at work. Videos should be a maximum of 30 seconds and in mp4 format.

Your details

Our privacy policy explains what personal information we collect and how it is stored and used. 

Thank you for completing the entry form. When you click submit on the next page the form will automatically be emailed to us and you don't need to do anything further.