Guardians' Committee Election 2018
Guardians' Committee Election 2018
The Guardians' Committee is responsible for upholding the ethos and traditions of the SPAB. The committee meets ten times a year and plays a leading role in our listed building casework and historic building policy discussions. Guardians are elected from the membership each year. Any paid-up member of the Society can put themselves forward as a candidate for the Guardians' Committee and, if candidates outnumber vancancies, an election is held by ballot.
Guardians' nominations are now open
SPAB members are now invited to put themselves forward for the 2018 election. The nomination form, which includes instructions on how to apply, can be downloaded below or alternatively a paper copy of the nomination form will be available in the spring 2018 edition of The SPAB Magazine, which will be with members by mid-late March. Candidates must be nominated by a SPAB members and their nomination must be seconded by two additional SPAB members. Aside from the completed nomination form, candidates must also submit a candidate's statement (150 words) and a photograph of themselves.
Nominations should be returned by 25 May 2018 to or by post to The Director, The SPAB, 37 Spital Square, London E16DY. If you would like to put yourself forward and have questions, do get in touch by emailing Election results will be available at the end of July.
Please note
The SPAB is currently undertaking a committee review exercise that could result in changes to the Society’s governance and committee structure from 2019 onwards. This could affect the composition and role of the Guardians’ Committee and also Guardian term limits. Proposed changes will be put to the Guardians’ Committee for a vote at the 2018 SPAB AGM.