Thank you for updating your details

Thank you for updating your details

We really appreciate you taking the time to keep your details up to date and helping us to continue to offer this valuable service.

As a valued contact of our technical advice helpline, we hope you will be interested in joining us as a corporate supporter member.


Benefits for your organisation

Three or more named memberships for your staff or clients
Your business name listed on our website
Access to our digital Supporters Badge for use in your social media
The opportunity to apply to be a suggested supplier in our Technical Database
First notice of sponsorship opportunities
Your job adverts promoted as 'featured jobs' in our new careers bulletin and free advertising in the bulletin once it becomes a paid for service in November 2020

Benefits for your associated individual members

Our quarterly SPAB Magazine, a must-read for those who love old buildings
Access to our online list of historic properties for sale and website Members Area
Visits and events in your local area via our regional groups
Priority booking for selected SPAB courses
Discounted tickets to our Spring and Autumn lecture series
Deals and offers from other organisations

Corporate supporter membership is currently £153 a year. If you have any questions, please get in touch with our membership team: 020 7456 0901,