Shelsley Watermill

Shelsley Watermill


A 3-storey watermill on a site dating back to 1308; the current mill shows three stages of construction spanning 200 years. The building is Grade II listed. It was last used to grind animal feed around 1923. External overshot waterwheel. Two pairs of stones, restored to working condition. Flour available for sale.


Grid reference:

SO 721 630

Town/city: Shelsley Walsh
OS sheet:


Postcode: WR6 6RP
Geocode: @52.264939, -2.409867 Open in Map

At Shelsley Walsh, near B4204, Worcester to Tenbury Wells road. Turn N after crossing R. Teme, W of Martley, on road to Shelsley Walsh. Mill is down turning on L at sharp bend. From village, follow brown signs to Shelsley Walsh hill-climb.


Do you own or look after this mill? Contact us

Opening Times:

Open on certain advertised days from March to October, see website for details.

Additional Information: