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The SPAB won a landmark court case this month involving a harmful proposal to Grade I listed Holy Trinity, Poynings, Sussex.


There is still time to enter a project for SPAB’s 2018 Betjeman Award. The prestigious annual award reflects Sir John Betjeman’s love and appreciation of ecclesiastical architecture and is open to all faith buildings.


Ken Hill, a retired journalist and King’s Lynn resident since 1975 writes about a ‘Lynn’ landmark.


By Paul Walters

It has been a few months since we embarked on the incredible journey that is the William Morris Craft Fellowship and it has not disappointed!


In February this year, a group of Irish Scholars, Fellows and Guardians banded together to found an Irish branch of the SPAB.


SPAB Fellows, past and present, celebrated 30 years of the Fellowship programme at the Carpenters’ Company in London in November alongside supporters and donors.


Architecture student wins national design competition for a scheme that breathes new life into the abandoned Italian hill town of Craco.


By Lilian Tuohy Main

As we enter the third month of our conservation tour, a theme that continues to arise is the importance of observing before acting. A unifying trait of historic buildings is their numerous ‘unknowns’. It is this intangible mystery that often makes a place compelling.


The SPAB and a number of leading heritage organisations, including the National Trust and the STBA, sent a letter to Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and the Industrial Strategy, highlighting their concerns about new energy efficiency policy.


The Romping Donkey, Cheshire is one of a number of buildings at risk with which we have been involved over a period of several years.