Remembering John Sell, CBE

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It is with sadness that we share the news of the sudden death of John Sell, CBE.  

Those who remember John will recall his warmth, humour and dedication to the SPAB. John served twice as a SPAB Chair and was a dedicated member of many of our committees. He was an influential figure in the SPAB’s groundbreaking barns campaign in the 1980s and led many other SPAB initiatives. Particularly special to him was our Philip Webb Award which he championed and supported from its beginning.

John was always ready to make a special effort as a volunteer and appeared as the SPAB's lead witness in  the influential St Helen's, Bishopsgate consistory court case. 

John Sell receiving the Esher Award from Chair Nichola Tasker

John Sell receiving the SPAB’s Esher Award from Chair Nichola Tasker © Andy Marshall 

John’s heritage interests grew beyond the SPAB, and he became a Vice President of Europa Nostra, a trustee of the National Trust, a Vice President of Europa Nostra, Chair of the Joint Committee of National Amenity Societies and Historic Environment Forum and a founder-trustee of Heritage Link (now The Heritage Alliance). 

He will be fondly remembered by all who knew him at the SPAB, and we’ll be paying tribute to him in the next issue of the SPAB Magazine. 



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