Our upcoming fundraising auction of 17th to 19th century furniture, textiles and porcelain is your chance to acquire a beautiful antique while supporting our work.
Find out more about this year's cohort of Scholars and Fellows, and why they can’t wait to get started.
Sweeping funding cuts proposed by the Welsh government would put built heritage at serious risk of damage and decay. We’ve written to the Senedd, calling for them to reconsider, joining other voices in the heritage sector.
Rachel Stoplar, Communications Manager, explores the many guises of this historic site – from resting place to rubbish tip – and why it has the internet to thank for its survival.
Stonemason and SPAB Fellow Jack Buchanan describes a visit to Pluscarden Abbey, where reverence for the past, coupled with a willingness to adapt and repurpose, creates a harmonious coexistence between the ancient ruins and a vibrant, living community.
Regular checks and maintenance tasks can make a huge difference to a building’s condition, lifespan, and energy efficiency. As the weather gets colder, here's what you can do to prepare your home.
We are disappointed to report that Broxtowe Council’s Planning Committee has voted to grant planning and listed building consent to an insensitive development of the Grade II* Willoughby Almshouses in Cossall, Nottinghamshire.
Author Brian Hoggard explains some of the fascinating methods people have used to protect their homes.
The best-selling Old House Handbook has now been completely updated to reflect current best practices and the latest thinking on the techniques and materials used to care for old buildings.
The fire at Clandon Park was a tragedy, but one from which something new and positive can emerge.