Awards 2024

The SPAB Heritage Awards 2024 are now open for entries! 

The Awards celebrate the incredible energy, expertise and creativity of the heritage sector. Anyone can enter or nominate a favourite building for the Best Loved Award, Sustainable Heritage Award and John Betjeman Award for places of worship, or an inspiring early-career craftsperson for the Building Craftsperson of the Year Award, while students and recent graduates can show off their design chops by entering the Philip Webb Award

Submit your entries or nominations by Wednesday 14 August 2024. You can find out more below. 

Any questions? Email


This year’s Awards Ceremony will take place at the beautiful Barbican Centre on 14 November. 

Find out more about our sponsors and how they support a thriving heritage sector. 

Recognising and celebrating old buildings getting the maintenance they deserve, and the people looking after them.

Celebrating sensitive, sympathetic and sustainable upgrades and repairs to traditional buildings.

Recognising the best up-and-coming craftspeople and builders working with historic buildings or traditional materials.

Celebrating the repair and conservation of places of worship.

A design competition encouraging the sympathetic reuse of existing buildings.

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