Purchase SPAB membership

We are here for old buildings and those that care for them

With a welcome pack full of SPAB goodies and four copies of our quarterly magazine, SPAB membership supports our work and includes a wide range of benefits, such as:

  • Our quarterly SPAB Magazine, a must-read for those who love old buildings
  • Access to our online list of historic properties for sale
  • Visits and events in your local area via our regional groups
  • Priority booking for selected SPAB courses
  • Discounted tickets to our Spring and Autumn lecture series
  • Deals and offers from other organisations
  • Monthly email newsletters and exclusive online content
  • Monthly careers bulletin for those building a career in the heritage sector
  • Free monthly online skill-shares, led by members for members


Select the type of membership

This type of membership is only available to those under 30.