Main & Mills membership sign up

Support the SPAB and the Mills Section and enjoy the benefits of both for a discount. 

Main & Mills membership is currently £95 for the year.

Benefits include:

  • The SPAB Magazine, a must-read for those who love old buildings
  • Access to the Property List of historic and interesting buildings for sale across the country
  • Priority booking to selected SPAB courses and training
  • Programme of member-only events
  • Regional activities organised by other members
  • Discount to our lecture series
  • Exclusive online content
  • Mill News, a quarterly magazine for members
  • Programme of mills events, including training, conferences, tours and workshops
  • Access to Mills for Sale, a list of mills on the market in need of sympathetic owners


To sign up and pay for membership by Direct Debit please use this form for annual and monthly payments. Otherwise, complete your details below to join and pay by card.

Your details

25% discount applied on your first year of membership:

  Standard  Discounted
Individual £63.00  £47.25 
Mills & Main £95.00  £71.25 
Joint £97.00  £72.75 
Under 30 / Concession £37.00  £27.75 

Discount code not recognised. Please check the end date of the offer to make sure your code is still valid. Contact if you think you are seeing this message in error.

For members outside the UK, we add a small postage surcharge to cover the additional costs of sending you the magazine. This is £10 for members in the Republic of Ireland and £22 for the rest of the world.