Mission & Vision
The SPAB Manifesto of 1877 continues to guide the Society's overall purpose and sets out a distinctive SPAB Approach to building conservation. The Vision, Mission and Values of our current strategy indicate ways in which the Society should pursue its aims in the 21st century to maintain its relevance and authority.
- That old buildings are understood, cared for and appreciated today, and protected for future generations.
Protecting old buildings for everyone
Championing the SPAB Approach through all activities
Promoting environmental sustainability and the positive contribution building conservation and maintenance make to it
Encouraging building crafts and practical participation for the benefit of old buildings and for people’s wellbeing
- That buildings should be valued for their entire history, recognising understanding and respecting change.
- That the authenticity of fabric, as a true record of the past, is best respected by regular maintenance and skilled conservative repair.
- That changes and additions, where essential, should contribute positively to a building's interest and story.
- That people and the buildings they construct are a conduit for knowledge across generations.
- That knowledge of the SPAB Approach and of the good conservation practice it encourages, should be available as widely as possible.
- That decisions about old buildings should take a long-term view.