Heritage and Climate Change, Online CPD Session

Heritage and Climate Change, Online CPD Session

02/06/2020 - 02/06/2020
Course Type: 
Introductory CPD, Intermediate CPD,

£25.00 per person. CPD certifcates issued.

Event details

12.30-13.30 Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Climate change will have an enormous impact on many heritage properties and sites across the world with sea level rise, coastal erosion, heavier and prolonged precipitation, flooding and much more. Aspects of our heritage will be affected in some way by these factors. But heritage can also contribute to climate change through mitigation and adaptation.

The following will be covered in the presentation;

  • Climate change predictions and the importance of cutting carbon
  • Recent extreme weather events
  • Highlights of the Paris Agreement
  • Current research
  • Highlighting what heritage can do for our environment and climate change
  • The importance of the Sustainable Development Goals to heritage
  • Question and Answers

Hear Managing Director of Carrig Conservation International Ltd. Peter Cox discuss how climate change can affect heritage, and how we can mitigate the effects. 

Peter Cox is Managing Director of Carrig Conservation International Ltd. and President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Energy Sustainably and Climate Change.

Booking Terms & Conditions

IT requirements: Please note that this is an online course and will be held via a webinar platform called CrowdCast. You will be sent instructions on how to join the session when you book. To participate, all you need is an internet connection, and a laptop, computer or phone with the ability to play video and audio. On android mobiles/tablets, sessions can be accessed via either Chrome for Android or Firefox for Android. Apple mobile/tablet users will need to download the CrowdCast app.

If you'd like to test your internet speed meets requirements to stream live before booking, please use this page on the CrowdCast website.

Accessibility: please contact the SPAB before booking to discuss any special access requirements.

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