Heritage and Sustainability in Action: Upgrading Building Elements

Heritage and Sustainability in Action: Upgrading Building Elements
£25 per person
Event details
Heritage and Sustainability in Action - Spring CPD Series
We are all aware of the current climate emergency and the potential for the built environment to help mitigate climate change. At the SPAB, we strongly believe that sensitive improvement and repair of historic buildings is a sustainable approach, which can reduce the impact of the built environment on the climate.
This series of CPD sessions will explore how to implement sustainable approaches to traditionally constructed buildings. By examining real-world examples of sympathetic repair and retrofit techniques successfully used in domestic and ecclesiastical settings, delegates will learn how to use these methods in their own work. In particular, the case studies will demonstrate the implementation of techniques in common heritage building types in the UK including timber framed and solid wall construction.
The series features four sessions with one-hour lectures and 30 minutes Q&A to allow delegates the chance to receive detailed answers to their questions. All lectures will be accompanied by a resource list and a recording of the session, which can be view at the attendee’s leisure for up to one week after the session.
Session 1 - Upgrading Building Elements
Tuesday 16 March 2021, 12.00-13.30 (GMT)
This session will include a range of case studies demonstrating sensitive upgrading of building elements for the benefit of historic buildings, sustainability and carbon reduction. Steve will overview the benefits and solutions to common problems associated with upgrading building elements, with a focus on insulation.
About the speaker:
Stephen Ruggier
Steve Ruggier is Head of the Sustainable Insulation Team at Mike Wye. Mike Wye specialise in the supply of traditional, natural and sustainable building and decorating products for all types of buildings. Our aim is to encourage our customers to protect not only the investment in their property, but also more broadly the architectural heritage and skills that it represents.
Other Sessions in the Series:
Session 3: Materials, 13 April
IT requirements: Please note that this is an online course and will be held via a webinar platform called Zoom. You will be sent instructions on how to join the session when you book. To participate, all you need is an internet connection, and a laptop, computer or phone with the ability to play video and audio. On android mobiles/tablets, sessions can be accessed via either Zoom for Android or your browser. Apple mobile/tablet users can download the Zoom app for free.
If you'd like to test your internet speed meets requirements before booking, please try a Zoom test through their website.
Accessibility: please contact the SPAB before booking to discuss any special access requirements.