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We’ve got a range of online and in-person courses, workshops, talks, along with site visits and Working Parties.

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13/03/2025 - 13/03/2025
SPAB Members and their guests
Suffolk Millwright's Workshop, The Dairy, Lodge Farm, Dennington, IP13 8AR

£10 Members
£15 Non-Members

14/03/2025 - 14/03/2025
SPAB Members and their guests
Suffolk Millwright's Workshop, The Dairy, Lodge Farm, Dennington, IP13 8AR

£10 Members

£15 Non-Members


Ruth McNeilage, wall paintings conservator, will talk to us about the ancient structure and wall paintings of the church of St James, Cameley.

09/04/2025 - 09/04/2025
SPAB Members and their guests
St James' Church, Camely, Somerset, BS39 5AH

£15 Members
£18 Non-Members


Join conservation architect, Gary Butler, who supervised the restoration of Sandycombe Lodge. Gary won an RIBA Award for the exemplary restoration.

10/04/2025 - 10/04/2025
SPAB Members and their guests
Sandycombe Lodge, 40 Sandycoombe Road, TW1 2LR



Join the Kent and Surrey Group on a visit to Polesden Lacey, where we’ll learn how Climate Change is impacting Historic Buildings.

09/05/2025 - 09/05/2025
SPAB Members and their guests
Polesden Lacey, Great Bookham, near Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6BD

Members £10

Non-Members £15