SPAB Scotland is delighted that the local planning authority refused permission for the demolition of this 1883 simple Gothic Revival style church.
News - Casework
We are disappointed to report that Broxtowe Council’s Planning Committee has voted to grant planning and listed building consent to an insensitive development of the Grade II* Willoughby Almshouses in Cossall, Nottinghamshire.
Broxtowe Council looks set to agree damaging plans to redevelop the Grade II* listed Willoughby Almshouses in Nottinghamshire, in a move that will see their unique character destroyed.
Overall, we support the proposals to alter this wonderful late 15th-century house, now a local museum, but have suggested improvements.
We recently reviewed an application to undertake repairs, alterations and convert the eastern service range at this Grade II lited hall. We objected to some harmful aspects of the plans and it was agreed that the layout should be revised and a more sensitive proposal developed.
We have strongly objected to proposals to add a penthouse onto an existing extension of a Grade II* listed building, which sits at the heart of this historic town.
We’ve objected to proposals that will harm the beautiful historic farm buildings at Higher Melcombe Farm, next to the Grade I listed 15th century Manor and a deserted medieval village.
Over the last few years we have been advising on proposals to the Cathedral's East End, the Chapter House and Cloister.
We recently supported proposals to install solar panels and two air source heat pumps at this Grade I listed medieval church
To John Ruskin Lincoln Cathedral was “the most precious piece of architecture in the British Isles”. One of its most celebrated features is the carved Romanesque frieze on the façade and we are deeply concerned about its future.