Limecrete floors - what can go wrong?
Limecrete floors - what can go wrong?
Members' Skillshare
Free (SPAB members only)
Event details
14 October 2021, 14.00-15.00
In 2019, SPAB member, Jonathan Lynn, agreed to lay a lime slab for a homeowner who had already prepared the first series of layers. Unfortunately, a few key mistakes had been made that had to be rectified. Jonathan hopes that by sharing this experience, the same mistakes will be avoided by people who wish to embark on their first limecrete floor. The talk will provide:
(a) a brief explanation of damp problems in floors and how limecrete can be an effective alternative,
(b) outline what limecrete is and explain the material build-up,
(c) point out design considerations that cannot be over looked,
(d) highlight some of the problems we encountered and how we rectified them.
This will be an interactive discussion. Jonathan prefers people to ask questions verbally as it encourages discussion.
About the speaker: Jonathan has been repairing and restoring historic buildings, from small vernacular cottages to large country houses for 10 years. One of his passions is working with lime, in particular, hot-mixed mortars. Jonathan is also studying Architecture in Glasgow.
About the skill-share: Run by members for members, these short and informal online sessions are a great way to learn from the expertise and experience of your fellow historic building enthusiasts. We are really grateful to everyone who has volunteered to lead a session so far. If you are interested in leading a session please get in touch with our membership team: membership[at]
These sessions are only available to SPAB members, so you will need to log in to the website in order to register. Please get in touch if you don't have a log in set up yet.
IT requirements: Please note that this is an online session and will be held via Zoom.
Accessibility: please contact the SPAB before booking to discuss any special access requirements.