Visit to Kelmscott House, Kelmscott, Oxfordshire

Bucks, Berks & Oxon Visit to Kelmscott Manor

SPAB Bucks Berks Oxon Group

25/10/2023 - 25/10/2023
Introductory CPD, General interest, SPAB Members and their guests
Kelmscott House
GL7 3HJ, Kelmscott
United Kingdom

£30, including refreshments 


Event details

Wednesday 25 October, 2-5pm 

Last year, the BBO Regional Group ran a very successful and oversubscribed visit to Kelmscott Manor.To give all those who missed out last time another opportunity to see the recent work and of course anyone else how would like to come, we are running the same tour again but this time in the afternoon. This is partly to give those members who live some distance away a chance to get to the rather remote site in time.

The Society of Antiquaries own and look after Kelmscott Manor which was the country retreat of SPAB founder William Morris. He and his fellow Arts and Craft founder, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, jointly leased the house in 1871. William Morris referred to the house as “heaven on earth”.

Recently the Society has received a HLF grant of £4.3m and over a period of 30 months the house and contents have undergone a conservation and refurbishment programme. 

The curator, Dr Kathy Haslam, has kindly agreed to give us an introductory talk. After this, small groups of around 12 people will be given a tour which takes about an hour.

 This is your opportunity to see what has been done and to immerse in the William Morris Arts and Craft legacy.


The price includes tea and coffee on arrival, an introductory talk and a private guided tour and afterwards a cream tea.

The café should be open after the tour for refreshments (not included in the price). 


Please contact the Group Organiser before booking to discuss any special access requirements.

Multiple bookings

As long as there is space on the event, we usually allow you to book for both yourself and a guest. When completing the booking form, you will be asked to select the number of people and put in your own details on the first page, then to put in your second person's details on the next page. The event fee shown on each of these pages is for the individual person - you will be shown the total amount due once you get to the summary page.

About the Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, and Oxfordshire Regional Group

The BBO group organises seminars, talks and visits to buildings of interest, trying where possible to add value by arranging access to places not normally open to the public. We also visit buildings undergoing repair so members can see the work in progress and discuss with artisans and conservators their techniques, approach and materials.

Booking Terms & Conditions

Image: Daderot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Getting here