Visit to Royal Agricultural University

Visit to the Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester
£8 per person
A three course lunch is available for an additional £7.50 - payment and meal choices to be made on the day but please indicate on booking if you would like to have the lunch.
Event details
14 September 2019, 11 am to 4 pm
The Gloucestershire group are pleased to be hosting an outing to Cirencester’s Royal Agricultural University on 14 September 2019.
Rory Young, well known local stone carver and SPAB member and Dr Chris Catling, of the Royal Commission for the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, will be leading the group on this visit to the Royal Agricultural University.
It was 1842 when a Cirencester Wine Merchant advocated the establishment of ‘… an institution to teach the science and practice of farming.” This statement became the beginning of the Royal Agricultural University as we know it today. It is now an iconic Cotswolds institution and houses many architectural treasures not generally open to the public.
We will see a beautiful victorian gothic building, a 16th century barn, a model farm and a stained glass window designed by William Morris. We will be guided by Rory who was bought up in the buildings which were the model farm built in 1845-6 together with the college. Rory is the grandson of the tenant who took over the property in 1928. He now has a workshop on the premises for his sculpture and building conservation work which we will be able to see.
Dr Christopher Catling, Dr Geraint Coles and Dr Mark Horton will join us with talks about the history and landscape of the RAU and the importance of heritage in land management, as well as the RAU's new Cultural Heritage Insttitute.
Places are £8 and a three course lunch is also available in the canteen for £7.50. Meal choices and payments for the meal can be made on the day, but the caterers would appreciate an indication of numbers, so please let us know if you plan on having the lunch.
Multiple bookings
As long as there is space on the event, we usually allow you to book for both yourself and a guest. When completing the booking form, you will be asked to select the number of people and put in your own details on the first page, then to put in your second person's details on the next page. The event fee shown on each of these pages is for the individual person - you will be shown the total amount due once you get to the summary page.
About the Gloucestershire Regional Group
Lynne Pardoe, Group Organiser, says "It was ten years ago when I came to live in Gloucestershire and, surprised by the absence of a SPAB group, I started one. Since then its gone from strength to strength, with a steady core of regular attenders and an ever changing background of newer members. Since I don’t work in the field of conservation I rely on suggestions to arrange visits which don’t usually open for the public and thankfully, because I’ve been running it so long people know me and will make suggestions, or offer up their own properties for a visit. I love this."
Accessibility: please contact the Group Organiser before booking to discuss any special access requirements.